Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sailor Moon

I watched a little bit of Sailor Moon way back when during my childhood. I thought it was kind of weird (plus it was too girly for little kid me, ick).

We watched it again in class. Waaaay weirder than I remembered.

One thing that struck me was how much time was spent on the girls transforming into their celestial-powerful-forms. Spinning naked silhouettes with colors flying about everywhere and all sorts of crazy junk... what the hell? Sometimes I wanted to just laugh at it. Who is the target audience for this stuff? I picture some greasy basement dweller eating Cheetos and getting off to the animated girls in short skirts.

Strange stuff.

When Tuxedo Mask came in and saved the day, I was thinking quite sarcastically, "oh thank goodness, here comes the manly man to rescue the day!" But then he got his ass kicked (see: castration) and I was satisfied. BUT THEN he and Sailor Moon made some crazy-ass love-scepter-moon-baby thing in some long sequence and, again... what the hell? Not really sure what was going on there. Maybe I need to watch more episodes to find out but I don't think that's going to happen. I'll put it at the bottom of my list of stuff to get around to watching, behind Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, 24, and now Buffy. Yeah, don't think I'm going to get around to it.


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